Read together!

As a dad, I always loved reading to my kids when they were younger. We would curl up together on the couch and share a good story, and spend a few minutes away from the activity that did and still does fill our home. As my guys have gotten older, we don’t do it nearly as often. There are plenty of times where I share a story or funny quote from the newspaper or a magazine with them, but we almost never sit down with the intention of reading together. I mention it today because I had the opportunity to read with several classes this week. I loved the enthusiasm and laughs while reading with kindergarteners and first graders. They are so willing to share their joy and delight, and that always makes me smile. I also got to read with several sixth grade classes, and but had really forgotten how much fun that experience is as well. I taught sixth graders for 11 years, and realized how much I missed it while being with them this week. I get to visit classes at Providence all the time, but I really enjoyed sharing an experience with them where I felt like a teacher again, if just for a few minutes. I hope they invite me back, and I think I am going to try to get my boys to listen to a story at home this weekend, before they really are too old to enjoy it. I hope you have many opportunities to do the same at your house!

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